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From sun-seekers to history buffs, art enthusiasts and people who are just looking to have a good time, the capital of the French Riviera has something for everyone! The days here in Nice are filled with adventures through the streets of the Old Town and hours spent basking in the glorious Mediterranean sunshine. What are the Best Rooftop Bars with a view in Nice?Īs France’s second most popular tourist destination, Nice ticks all the boxes.What places provide the Best Nightlife in Nice for couple?.What’s the Drinking Age in Nice, France?.What are the Best Cocktail Bars in Nice?.What are the best Bars and Pubs in Nice?.Quai des Etats-Unis and Promenade des Anglais.

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Sightseeing Tours Cannes Antibes St Paul de Vence.Sightseeing Tour Eze Village, Monaco & Monte Carlo.Sightseeing Tours Best of French Riviera Nice, Eze, Monaco, Antibes, Cannes,.Trip from Nice to Monaco – Walking Tour.Riviera Bar Crawl Paris – Pub Crawl Paris.

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